Mid 20th Century Scientific Illustrations: Paul Sougy

French artist [...]

India’s Only Private Wildlife Sanctuary

https://youtu.be/8zoxzZGD2WI In 1991 Pamela Gale Malhotra and her husband, Dr. Anil Malhotra opened the only private [...]

Photographs From the Streets of Mumbai

Mumbai Paused, the street photographer from Mumbai Gopal MS, explores the many smells of the city to [...]

Where the Forest Meets the Sea: Jeannie Baker

This book is for adults as it is for children. Jeannie Baker takes you through [...]

Sarah Cooper’s Hilarious Take on Trump

https://youtu.be/SUTYsl9TTvASarah Cooper's lip-synching imitations of Trump is downright hilarious. Its the only way I [...]

Say Her Name: Zetta Elliott

Zetta Elliott engages poets from the past two centuries to create a chorus of [...]

Revolutionary Love: Valerie Kaur

https://youtu.be/qQ7QlKG70LE Valarie Kaur is a renowned Sikh activist, filmmaker, and civil rights lawyer - declares [...]

Rupa & the April Fishes: Metamorphosis

Rupa and the April Fishes: Por la Frontera

The Ageless Ideas of Leonardo da Vinci: Neo Leo

Great book for young kids as an introduction to Leonardo da Vinci. Beautifully [...]

Extinction Rebellion – The Gigantic Change

https://vimeo.com/425424162 A grandmother reads her grandchild a story called ‘The Gigantic Change’. The [...]

The Boy Who Loved Math: The Improbable Life of Paul Erdos

Stories of real people are always fascinating. This is a great introduction to [...]

The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Dr. Temple Grandin

Temple understood from a younger age that she was different, not less. A great [...]

Here: A Visual Poem

An experimental visual poem combining video, photography, and animation to examine the lived Black experience and [...]

Phases of the Heart

The Art of Connecting with Emotions: Rukmini Poddar


Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi “Whatever is destined not to happen will not happen, try as you may. Whatever is destined to happen [...]

Paramahansa Yogananda

[Paramahansa Yogananda]"Millions of people never analyze themselves. Mentally they are mechanical products of the [...]

Lahiri Mahasaya

[Lahiri Mahasaya]“Always remember that you belong to no one, and no one belongs to you. Reflect that some day you [...]

One Month of Small Machines

https://youtu.be/-OJ1Yc2SwAsFederico Tobon, a Los Angeles-based artist has created a fun series of hand-crafted [...]

Sri Yukteswar Giri

[Sri Yukteswar Giri]"Do not confuse understanding with a larger vocabulary. Sacred writings are beneficial in [...]

Learn to do Everything Lightly

[Aldous Huxley, Island] "It’s dark because you are trying too hard.
 Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do [...]

The Way Things Work: David Macaulay

From levers to lasers, from cameras to computers, this 384-page volume is a remarkable overview of the machines [...]

How to See, in Four Minutes

How to See, in Four Minutes, by Wendy MacNaughton via