The Tree That Gives Water: Terminalia Tomentosa

Terminalia Tomentosa also known as Indian Laurel, Asan, Mathi, or Punnai maram stores drinkable water [...]

Most Dangerous Ways to School, Himalaya (India) The most dangerous school run in the world is across the Zanskar River in the [...]

The Scent of Rain: Centuries Old Perfume Technique in India Petrichor is the unique, earthy smell that permeates the air when the first rain [...]

Living With the Dark Winters in Sweden: Jonna Jinton Jonna lives in the Nordic village of Grundtjarn in north Sweden. Jonna documents her [...]

It’s OK: Nightbirde "You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy." - [...]

Biodegradable Sanitary Pads With Banana Fibers Saathi began in 2015, when its co-founders Kristin Kagetsu, Tarun Bothra, and Grace [...]

The Sacred Mirrors of India: Aranmula kannadi Aranmula kannadi is a sacred mirror made only in the Indian town of Aranmula. Its a [...]

Kulning, Ancient Herdingcall: Jonna Jinton The singing technique called "kulning" is an ancient Swedish herdingcall, that was [...]

Afghanistan Before Taliban: The Photographs of Podlich

Students at the Higher Teachers College, Kabul Young afghans gather to share tea, sing, & play [...]

The living bridges of India The Indian state of Meghalaya experiences some of the highest levels of [...]

Significance of Erotic Temple Sculptures

Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh Sun Temple, Orissa Virupaksha Temple, [...]

20 Wilderness Survival Tips Here is a few handy survival tips and bushcraft skills that might help you in a [...]

The Wild Within: Ryan Koopmans

Actor Jim Carrey bought the NFT - an abandoned Georgian sanatorium for $40,000 Ryan Koopmans teamed [...]